Training Days

Certifiably Mind-blown

The past week and a half has been quite the agile adventure. Opportunity after opportunity arose for me to learn and grow more than ever on my Scrum Master journey. The three key events were: Business Agility 2017 Certified Scrum Master Course taught by Dr. Jeff Sutherland (co-founder of Scrum and the Agile Manifesto ) Pragmatic Management Lecture by Andy Hunt (co-founder of the Agile Manifesto and author of the Pragmatic Programmer) To say that my mind has been feeling overwhelmed lately is quite the understatement. [Read More]

The Agile Life Pt. 2

So You Wanna Be A Master?

Where I left off in my previous post was I had accepted an opportunity to become a Scrum MAster for a second agile team being spun up. This was a big shift for me because it would mean little to no coding, at least initially. Fortunately, that has changed since as I’m acting as a part-time iOS SME now as well as Scrum Master. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. [Read More]

The Agile Life Pt. 1

Scrum, TDD, Pair Programming, Oh My!

When I first started at TDA, one of the things I learned was that the company was interested in making a transfomation to Agile. Flashbacks immeadiatly went through my head. Learnign about agile in my software engineering course, practicing Extreme Programming (XP) during one of my internships, and hearing all about wanting to do “agile” at JPMC (notice the quotation marks). I’ve seen attempts at agile, good ones and bad ones. [Read More]

Learning Python

I call it articlesofease

My commute these days is long. I mean 1.5 - 2 hours each way long. Yeah, I know. So since it’s so long, I wanted to look into what content I could bring for my long journey each day. I checked out podcasts, and that’s cool. Audible was fine, but I didn’t want to pay (yeah, yeah, I’m cheap). And coding in the car produces some stomach churning results. So instead, I usually end up reading blogs or articles on some of my favorite sites. [Read More]


Enter into...

Realm is a mobile database that is sort of a replacement to SQLlite/Core Data that is known to be lightweight and even faster than it’s competition. Realm is free and relatively easy to include in your project (though many comment that it’s quite difficult to remove). One of the greatest advantages is that it flattens some of the traditional Data Access boilerplate and merges Models with Objects. With Realm 2. [Read More]

Multer & SwiftHTTP

Uploading Swiftly to Node.JS

For a small demo app I was building, I needed to upload a file from my app to my server to be saved locally. Straight forward, especially since this was just for a demo. What was frustrating though is I realized that trying to do this quickly with built-in code on both ends felt like it took way more than I wanted to get into (granted, never really did this before with these platforms so there’s that, too, I suppose). [Read More]


Swift, Server-side, Battlestar Galatica

Swift is an open-source programming language that was started by Apple and is now supported by a rapidly growing community. The Swift Evolution program will help steer the language to become not only more stable, but also modern and capable. This also includes the goal of making Swift a truly cross-platform language, a vast departure for Apple. Many areas of software are exploring Swift, including VR, AI, and web. A big area that has been gaining support is using swift as a server-side solution. [Read More]


To my piece of the internet thing

I’ve been a programming since my Sophomore year of high school. That’s 12 years. Code has taken me on an incredible journey through technology, ideas, industries, and imagination. Nearly 20 programming languages and countless lines of code later, I am where I am today. So where is that? For the past 2 years I was an iOS developer for a major brokerage firm. However, when the opportunity to take on a leadership role on the team came up, I transitioned from being a dev to a Scrum Master. [Read More]