
To my piece of the internet thing

I’ve been a programming since my Sophomore year of high school. That’s 12 years. Code has taken me on an incredible journey through technology, ideas, industries, and imagination. Nearly 20 programming languages and countless lines of code later, I am where I am today.

So where is that? For the past 2 years I was an iOS developer for a major brokerage firm. However, when the opportunity to take on a leadership role on the team came up, I transitioned from being a dev to a Scrum Master. And so far, I’m loving it.

However, coding is no longer my primary function in this role. I have been finding ways to sneak it in as a scrum master by automating the metrics reporting, working on our build machine, and taking on some of the coding tasks in our backlog. But it’s still not enough to fufill that itch.

I’ve found my answer in creating my own side projects and coding for fun. That’s a weird way to put it, because as much as it can be frustrating at times, coding is fun. But I’ve been reminded of just how fun coding can be when you’re doing it just for the heck of it, to grow, to learn. It’s freeing in a sense. My wife finds painting and writing to be gret outlets that are life giving to her. I’ve rediscovered that code is my medium.

This blog serves to chronicle this new chapter in my life. It hasn’t been the first time I’ve created a blog. Bakc in college, I created this blog to track some of the cool projects I was working on then. Now it’s time for a new chapter. But not only for me to keep a track of what I’ll learn along the way, but hopefully to share with others. I’m not going to claim that I’ll have answers to others problems, but if it can serve others in any capacity, than all the better!

So welcome to theDB and happy coding!